I’m so glad you found me.
The forest photo? Well, it’s simply true … often we can’t see the forest for the trees, especially in our writing. That speaks to the need of an editor, a proofreader, another word crafter by your side.
Your sentences deserve the satisfaction of finding themselves complete in form and meaning, settled on that page just right. All words spelled correctly, your paragraphs breathing and flowing with proper punctuation, allowing your reader to stop in surprise, or race along with you and your thoughts without stumbling.
I am excited by the possibility of supporting your work … and finding a path through the forest together.
I’m Merrin Wilding, writer and copyeditor, living in the beauty of Boulder, Colorado.
I look forward to our work together.

This is where I tell you a little bit about myself so you start to realize I really would love to help you with your project … and I can.
This is where I serve you in word work.
Let me write, edit, and proof for you
... to your heart’s content.
This is where I bravely place bits and pieces of my life’s written work before your eyes. Enjoy my stories, poems, prose, and musings … why not?